Monday, May 4, 2009

Praising your children to success

What a difference it makes when we speak to our children in a positive manner. My goal was to always speak 3 positive statements to every 1 negative. When your children are small and you find yourself constantly saying "No" this is even more important or before long they will feel like they can never please you. Children ultimately want to please. It is our responsibility to give them that opportunity. Look for things in their character each day that you can praise. Some days it will be easier than others but there is always something positive if you just look for it.
It is harder to praise sometime than to correct them for their faults. This is why we must rely on the Lord to help us in this area. Children will rise to the standards you set for them. For example, "Thank you Sally for obeying mommy the first time." " That was a good choice to help your brother with his homework" "Thank you for being so considerate" " You were so kind to your sister and that pleases the Lord. He tells us in His word to "Be kind to one another" thank you for being obedient to Gods word" These are just a few examples but the more you do it the more natural it will become.

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