Do you feel like your home is a peaceful place? Well after observing my own mother for many years I realized that the peace in our home came from her submissive heart towards my father.
I Peter 3:1 says" Wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives when they see your respectful and pure conduct. " To me this is where it all starts. In order to teach and train our children to submit to Gods leadership in their lives they must first see it in us.
If you are having trouble in this area just blame Eve! One of the consequences of the Fall for women God tells us in Genesis 3:16 is that their "desire shall be for their husbands" Desire actually has a negitive connotation. It means to manipulate, control or have mastery over. Because of sin we now want our own way and tend to resist our husbands authority. When we do so what kind of picture are we portraying to our children and how they will view Gods authority in their own life. Believe you me , I have been far from perfect in this area ,but the exciting part is that when we take "I" out of the picture, by Gods grace we can conquer this opposition in our own hearts. A submissive wife is far from being the weak-willed woman our culture portrays. It is in turn a model of inner strength. In other words it takes no effort at all to usurp authority and demand our own way. Leading and trainning our children to be submissive to authority begins in our marriage relationship. A thriving marriage is a testimony to your persistent efforts to resist sin and follow your husbands leadership.
1 comment:
That's all well and good, but what do you do when the example your husband is setting is not a good one for your children to see. If my husband sets a bad example in front of our child, then I feel it is my responsibility to make sure our child knows that it is not appropriate behavior. I'm not just going to stand back and let the child think it is acceptable. But I recognize that I am not being submissive by taking matters into my own hands. Any suggestions on a better way to handle this?
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