Thursday, October 22, 2009

The JOY of raising TEENS

Well, as I am writing this I am raising my 5th and final teenager. She is 12 and a full blown "TWEEN". (A term referring to the transition between child and teenager)
What a fun time of life! As parents we must have the right perspective and attitude during this transitional time in our child's life. I truly believe that 90% of the difficulty we as parents experience during this time could be eliminated if our perspective and outlook on this period of life was different. First, let me say that God created this period of every child's life and it is part of His design for a healthy transition into adulthood. One way you can ward off alot of conflict is to "Not sweat the small stuff and save your No's for really big issues". Remember they are testing out their independence so we have to let go and allow them to grow into this next stage of life. I am by no means an expert but simply sharing from my personal experiences. Things I have learned over the years are : 1. Have fun with them, laugh out loud and purpose to stay lighthearted. Plan fun outings together. Time is your greatest gift to your children. 2. Stay consistent in reading Gods word together as a reminder that God and God alone is their source of help and strength and has a special plan for their lives. 3. Help them by memorizing Gods word together. This is a gift that they can draw from for a lifetime. 4. Get to know their friends and have them over frequently. Don't hesitate to restrict time with friends you don't have a peace about."Bad company corrupts good character". 5. Tell them you love them often, physical touch from both father and mother are so important during this stage of life even if they resist it don't stop. If they don't get it at home they will seek it out somewhere else. (This is especially important for girls to receive from their fathers) 6.Be their friend but maintain and re-enforce your role as their "parental authority" responsible for their training and protection while under the same roof. Remember ,as I said in the beginning it is 90% outlook and attitude that will define the outcome of this exciting time in your child's life. Choose to enjoy and embrace it.
I am only 1 child away from an empty nest and I am treasuring each and every day! I pray you will commit this short period of time in your child's life to God and ask daily for His wisdom and guidance in the decisions and actions that will shape your teen into the adult God has designed for him or her to be. Remember that they are "unique individuals" and will make their own choices . We can only do our best then leave and trust the outcome to God. Enjoy the journey for it is all too short!

1 comment:

Chad & Amber said...


What a great word of challenge. Thank you for living all of this out with me. :-)

Love you,