Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Battle on the Homefront

Hi friends, I am so excited to share with you again and so grateful you are taking this time out of your busy day to read my blog.
    Although I am in a new season of my life that allows me more time for myself, I feel the Lord is continually tugging at me to share the things He has laid heavily on  heart lately. You've heard the saying "Man is not an island" Well what that means is that we were not created to live an introverted, isolated (all about me) life. We were created to make a difference in this world and the lives of those around us. I have to say when I was home with 5 children, buried in laundry and dishes, and homeschooling ,there were many days I felt like an island, isolated from the real world, I thought.  Friends, even during these busy, crazy days I knew that what I was doing was making a difference. In a small way, mistakes and all I was doing my part to train these precious lives to love and serve the Lord.
     You see, our place and role in the home is a God appointed, God ordained , calling on our lives.
This is where it all begins, and also where Satan roams and seeks to destroy. He (Satan) is very crafty and smart. He knows very well that if he can destroy the home, he can reek havoc on a nation. Believe it or not history shows that when women began to leave the home and go back into the work force, this nation began to crumble. Why? Is it because we lost our focus? Well you could say that but what really happened was that Satan knew that the home was the battlefront and to rage war there was his only hope of stopping or slowing down the furtherance of Gods kingdom. Before I go any further, please hear my heart on this. I am not saying that every women should or can be home day in and day out. What I am saying is that when we step outside of our biblical role as women, due to longing for the things of this world , we run a great risk of allowing the enemy to creep in little by little and do his damage. Statistics show that when women went back into the work force in the 1960's, sexual immorality, divorce , child abuse and neglect, crime and promiscuity among teens and the list goes on; began to run ramped. Not a one of us can deny that a lot of what we see in our world today is because of the neglect or disappearance of a mother or father at home  fighting off the enemy.
   Does this mean we are to physically be present in our homes day and night ,no but it does mean that when we are home we are to be  "present". Instilling Gods word in our children, eye contact (put away the smart phones), prayer, scripture memory, family outings and game time, family and corporate worship. These are all weapons that are all mighty in defeating the enemy and winning the war! We can defeat the one who is out to steal, kill and destroy Gods most precious creation, and tool for furthering His kingdom, the family!   I challenge you to take hold of these weapons, even if they need a little dusting off, and fight! God is on your side , He is just waiting for you to embrace role, take up your weapons and fight!
"These things I have spoken to you that you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer , I have overcome the world. John 16:33

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