I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks. We were on vacation in the mountains and it was wonderful,cool,restful and just plain FUN! Thank you Lord for the Peaceful beauty you created.
This is a topic that is and has always been close to my heart! It grieves my heart to see parents get so caught up in making sure their children become academic scholars that they neglect their character. Now here me out ,I am not at all saying that it isn't important to grow academically, I am just saying that it is a small part of a much larger plan for their lives. Building Godly character is more important for us as parents to focus on. Building character does not JUST HAPPEN!
It is not acquired by osmosis or by hanging around the right people. Godly character is not crafted by going to church regularly or even by memorizing Bible verses. Your child's character traits have to be carefully constructed and cultivated purposefully in efforts of developing the godly character that will make your child truly great in the eyes of God.
As parents we are concerned about the food that our children eat. We know that good nutrition equals a healthier body. And the same is true when it comes to food for their character. By "feeding" your child a steady and consistent diet of good and godly character ,emulating books that expose them to a variety of different character building adventures in the material they read, you are ensuring that your child's sense of right and wrong will be fed and allowed to flourish.
I am often asked "What did you do right to have all of your children love and serve the Lord?" Well first I am careful to give the Lord all the glorify because I am just the tool made available to do His work. Godly character has always been at the heart of my child training.
It has always been a purposeful act that took priority in my everyday life as a mother. I would often read good books that were very helpful but more than anything I would read Gods word and teach His character traits of a women and or man after His own heart! This often meant limiting TV, computers and reading material that didn't exude godly character. "Junk in Junk out" We are responsible for guarding their hearts when they are under our protection. Keeping the world and its negative character traits away from penetrating the hearts of these precious lives is a responsibility we must take very seriously as their parents. Seek His wisdom and guidance for we cannot do it in our own strength but if it is the desire of your heart for your children He will provide the tools and strength if you will make yourself available! My prayer is that the Lord will raise up parents across this nation to this all consuming task of raising up mighty men and women of GOD to do His work!
It is a purposeful and planned task that must be a priority in our lives in order for the next generation to be the Godly men and women the Lord so desires. Will we accept this call from the Lord and do our part? Thank you Lord for the JOY of training our children in Your Ways.
One of the pastor's wive's in our church has in her e-mail signature: Training hearts for Heaven and not heads for Harvard. I pray that I can keep the priorities straight as I raise my own children
Thank you for this lovely reminder...
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